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8858 2019-02-22T17:53:32 23
设计师: 陈海山

海口骑楼建筑 作为一种外廊式的建筑艺术源远流长。海口白色骑楼建筑既有浓厚的中国古代传统建 筑特色,又有对西方建筑的模仿,还有南洋文化的建筑及装饰风格,并明显受到印度和阿拉伯建筑文化 的影响,这些独特的建筑风格形成了一座骑楼就是一幅风景画。海口骑楼街区的发展源于海上贸易与航 运的发展,活跃于东南亚与大陆沿海区域的商户和劳工成为传播南洋文化的载体,也将各地的建筑风格 和样式带到海口,形成了海口骑楼建筑历史文化街区欧亚混合的城市风貌。为体现骑楼文化、体彩文化 与体彩产业的完美融合,为了提升骑楼片区整体形象与商业氛围,利用骑楼中山路72号,打造一个展示 海南体彩文化与骑楼文化相结合的示范店。

As a kind of verandah-style architectural art, Haikou Jilou architecture has a long history. Haikou white jockey building not only has the strong Chinese ancient traditional architectural characteristics, but also has the imitation of the western architecture, as well as the architecture and decoration style of Nanyang culture, and is obviously influenced by the Indian and Arab architectural culture, these unique architectural styles form a jockey building is a landscape painting. The development of Haikou Jilou block originated from the development of maritime trade and shipping, and the merchants and workers active in the coastal areas of Southeast Asia and the mainland became the carrier of spreading Nanyang culture, and also brought the architectural styles and styles to Haikou, forming the construction of Haikou Jilou Build a historical and cultural block of Eurasian mixed urban landscape. In order to reflect the perfect integration of the jockey culture, sports lottery culture and sports lottery industry, in order to enhance the overall image and commercial atmosphere of the jockey building area ,72 Zhongshan Road of the jockey building is used to create a demonstration shop showing the combination of Hainan sports lottery culture and jockey culture.

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